The man in the picture is the U.S. attorney for the western district of Oklahoma, formerly interim attorney following the unexpected resignation of the previous U.S. attorney who served with distinction.
He resigned to play no role in the disgusting disposition of the federal criminal case on this issue. He and his wife paid off their home loan ten years ago. In May, 2016 they took out a $100,000 home equity loan to keep themselves out of the street.
On September 26, I sent the Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility this e-mail pointing out things appear haywire at our local office. For months I debated the wisdom of doing this, finally deciding cordiality from the U.S. attorney is a ship that long ago sailed.
Consider what happened. I’ve asked lately about Dennis’s death certificate. It’s now been 162 days since May 6, 2016 when his lawyer said he died. No one can say they’ve seen his death certificate. If he is alive, the long delay in getting the criminal case to court was because it took time to find a dead body matching his description enough to fake out relevant parties. Police arrived at his office that morning to serve a warrant, according to news reports. I don’t know what that was about. They found a body, and called it a suspicious death because it was in a state of decomposition inconsistent with death a few minutes or hours before. It’s just a theory—and it explains a lot of things. If this is the real story, the U.S. attorney's office knew it New Years Day, 2016, and probably before.
Faking your death is legal, even to avoid prosecution. If Dennis is alive, he’s received world class coaching in survival and evasion. Still, he must wonder every minute if police are about to kick in the door and take him.
Since, the gang stalking program has been blistering. I talked with police three times last week, and was almost arrested. However, the new activity comes out of my saying I intended and wanted to divest the trust, because it isn’t useful or secure.
Monica, the trustee, told me my darling stepmother, Patty, is a signatory on the trust! I asked how and when that happened, and she said we went to the bank and signed paperwork when she became trustee. I did not do that, and never signed anything at a bank with any trustee. Her story is a lie concocted by Patty and friends in order to do some real looting. After taxes, the oil lease has produced as much money as Dennis stole. To top it, the lawyer I hired (pictured here)
told me Patty has been paying his invoices, a small detail that I suspected and for which lacked verification. She pays off everybody to get her way. So, what I have is as shitty a mess as one can imagine. The new word is I’ll never be able to touch a penny under any circumstances, if there is anything left. I never could be called greedy.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Endless misery
The trust has surprising, new income—and that’s bad. If it is stolen, and indications are that it will be, then what went to taxes and was stolen will total more than half a million dollars. As always my pump sewage stepmother is driving the whole thing, because she thrives on stealing and killing. It’s a family tradition. I don’t do it, so I am a target.
Last week was a very busy one for gang stalking. It was evident I had new home invasion. Week before last, I found a tarp strap outside my house. Tarp straps are not typical household items. Here’s a video of me talking about it during the presidential debate.
Last week someone dumped four new, starving cats on our street that joined the cute black and white one my neighbor dumped before. I made sure they had plenty to eat, photographed them and sent their photos to the animal welfare center asking why the city tolerates this crime. I had home invasion and consumed contaminated water twice, which is unusual. It gave me sudden onset, projectile diarrhea. The cats’ water was also contaminated. The girl cat had diarrhea with blood. I changed the water and her stool instantly normalized. She remained sick and listless for four days.
On Thursday, September 29, the trustee refused my incentive to divest the trust, $10,000. That comes after she announced she would help herself to an 800% increase in pay. She writes one check a month, and won’t let me touch the money, so her demand is outrageous. She also told me my stepmother is a signatory—a huge bomb.
I asked how and why that happened. She said she, pump sewage and I went to the bank when she became trustee, and all of us signed paperwork making it happen. I told her I did not do that and have NEVER gone to the bank with a trustee and signed anything. I told her I would NEVER assent to my stepmother’s becoming a signatory or any other thing. I spent all day Friday asking the bank if they could verify this information with no result.
I was so pumped with adrenaline, I didn’t sleep for two nights. Thursday night I made this simple felt marker on butcher paper sign. The website,, says posting a sign with the link acts to discourage this activity. It’s been very quiet in the street since it went in the window. At night it’s backlit so it shows every minute of every hour, 24 hours a day. These assholes are trying very hard to kill me. As always, endless stealing and killing are what trust is.
Last week was a very busy one for gang stalking. It was evident I had new home invasion. Week before last, I found a tarp strap outside my house. Tarp straps are not typical household items. Here’s a video of me talking about it during the presidential debate.
Last week someone dumped four new, starving cats on our street that joined the cute black and white one my neighbor dumped before. I made sure they had plenty to eat, photographed them and sent their photos to the animal welfare center asking why the city tolerates this crime. I had home invasion and consumed contaminated water twice, which is unusual. It gave me sudden onset, projectile diarrhea. The cats’ water was also contaminated. The girl cat had diarrhea with blood. I changed the water and her stool instantly normalized. She remained sick and listless for four days.
On Thursday, September 29, the trustee refused my incentive to divest the trust, $10,000. That comes after she announced she would help herself to an 800% increase in pay. She writes one check a month, and won’t let me touch the money, so her demand is outrageous. She also told me my stepmother is a signatory—a huge bomb.
I asked how and why that happened. She said she, pump sewage and I went to the bank when she became trustee, and all of us signed paperwork making it happen. I told her I did not do that and have NEVER gone to the bank with a trustee and signed anything. I told her I would NEVER assent to my stepmother’s becoming a signatory or any other thing. I spent all day Friday asking the bank if they could verify this information with no result.
I was so pumped with adrenaline, I didn’t sleep for two nights. Thursday night I made this simple felt marker on butcher paper sign. The website,, says posting a sign with the link acts to discourage this activity. It’s been very quiet in the street since it went in the window. At night it’s backlit so it shows every minute of every hour, 24 hours a day. These assholes are trying very hard to kill me. As always, endless stealing and killing are what trust is.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Is Dennis really dead? It doesn't matter.
Yesterday I called Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange’s office to tell them 130 days since May 6, the day of Dennis’s sentencing hearing, and the day he was said to have died, I am yet to talk to anyone who says they’ve so much as seen any authentic, state-issued documentation regarding his death, as in there is no death certificate. That can mean only one thing, I told them, that Dennis isn’t really dead.
Dennis’s wife, his estate’s lawyers and FBI don’t have a copy. My lawyers and I apparently aren’t “eligible” to receive a copy, according to Oklahoma law.
Is hoaxing your death to evade prosecution illegal? According to this article, the answer is NO. Dennis’s criminal team is highly skilled.
Dennis’s wife, his estate’s lawyers and FBI don’t have a copy. My lawyers and I apparently aren’t “eligible” to receive a copy, according to Oklahoma law.
Is hoaxing your death to evade prosecution illegal? According to this article, the answer is NO. Dennis’s criminal team is highly skilled.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
MUST READ: How this stealing was made completely legal
Stealing this money represents a new model of legalized stealing. I outline it in this blog post. It links to this blog post that finishes the explanation. You see, all you have to do is get it into a crime database a person is a traitor or terrorist, then you can do whatever you want to him and evade civil and criminal liability. You can also engage in other lawbreaking unrelated to the original victim with no liability under the law. That’s because we live in the security era. Believe it. This is real. You can see how secure it is.
Friday, June 24, 2016
In April, ACLU published a report about secret watchlists with a few revealing details that allows me to put together a slightly improved model of my personal, total destruction program of which this trust’s plundering is a part. Combined with reading about organized harassment or “gang stalking,” an alarming picture emerges of tremendous significance to everyone that remains unseen by nearly everyone.
After what the U.S. government spends for military, the next biggest federal agency is Department of Homeland Security. Seventy percent of their budget goes to private security contractors; so, after defense, the next biggest thing Uncle Sam buys is the work of private security contractors. Their work is producing phony law enforcement intelligence for a galaxy of secret, criminal databases and organized harassment programs—illegal, extrajudicial punishment without purpose or value in every case.
That’s all done in the interest of security, right? Wrong. Almost every targeted person was improperly placed on a secret watchlist, and therefore inappropriately designated a criminal, a threat to society and/or a terrorist. The number of names on the list tells us that. Further, we have only an estimate of the numbers from 2003 to 2008, in that no oversight or hard numbers are available. How many are on these lists now isn’t available and perhaps isn’t even known.
I thought it was very strange that when I told local police about the theft of this sum of money and consuming contaminated food and water in my own home, they did not care. They were provocative, dismissive and unfriendly. They wanted to know about my vehicle and whether I owned a gun. That had nothing to do with my complaints. I knew it was a clue, but it was opaque and I couldn’t guess what it meant. It turns out they checked a federal criminal database, probably KST, and they followed the guidelines. What do you know? They think I’m a terrorist. No reason is needed to put a name on a list, and expanding the lists is important for expanding these police state programs.
From Trapped In A Black Box: Growing Terrorism Watchlisting In Everyday Policing:
The report uses anagrams to refer to agencies and databases. It’s mind numbing. I picked out the most used ones and defined them:
NCIC = National Crime Information Center—within FBI
TSC = Terrorist Screening Center—government's consolidation point for known and suspected terrorist information, foreign and domestic
TSDB = Terrorist Screening Database
VGTOF = Violent Gangs and Terrorist Organizations File
KST = Known or Suspected Terrorists File
NCTC = National Counterterrorism Center—part of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence
TREX = Terrorist Review and Examination Unit—FBI field office submits nominations to TREX, the FBI headquarters unit that processes nominations from open FBI investigations
TIDE = Terrorist Identities Datamark Environment—the NCTC database of international terrorist nominations which feeds names to TSC, which enters them into TSDB as well
No-Fly List = individuals prevented from boarding an airplane
Selectee List = individuals subject to heightened airport screening when they seek to board an airplane
CLASS = State Department's Consular Lookout And Support System used to screen visa and passport applications
TECS Database = used by customs and border patrol to screen people at ports of entry
My name has been on at least one watchlist, put there by the same people who talked the Man of Steal into taking all the trust’s money, for the purpose of obstructing justice. The tactic worked perfectly. It ignores the fact I’m not engaged in subversive activity, never was and have no plans to be. I was stripped of the law’s protection, a constitutional guarantee.
I told Steal Man these guys are trying to get rid of me and you as well. He thought I was imagining things. Since then, there have been at least 20 hard attempts to kill me, and he is DEAD. He’s been dead since May 6, 2016, and we still don’t have the medical examiner’s report. Some people think I shouldn’t be armed? No one on earth needs protection more than I.
These watchlisting programs are bogus, a waste of time and money, and they impose devastating consequences on the unlucky people whose names appear on the lists. This is how Trapped In A Black Box begins:
Secret watchlisting hasn’t stopped even one terrorist event. It didn’t stop shootings in theaters and schools, and it didn’t stop what happened in Orlando.
From this ACLU report, here are the three handling codes police look at when you encounter them, and how I knew I was watchlisted:
I have one more thing to say about this. The remaining live criminals who did this jazz are aware I see this much of their mischief. They continue to spread the potent lie I am a dangerous maniac in an effort to make others deaf, since silencing me hasn’t worked. I am still at very high risk.
After what the U.S. government spends for military, the next biggest federal agency is Department of Homeland Security. Seventy percent of their budget goes to private security contractors; so, after defense, the next biggest thing Uncle Sam buys is the work of private security contractors. Their work is producing phony law enforcement intelligence for a galaxy of secret, criminal databases and organized harassment programs—illegal, extrajudicial punishment without purpose or value in every case.
That’s all done in the interest of security, right? Wrong. Almost every targeted person was improperly placed on a secret watchlist, and therefore inappropriately designated a criminal, a threat to society and/or a terrorist. The number of names on the list tells us that. Further, we have only an estimate of the numbers from 2003 to 2008, in that no oversight or hard numbers are available. How many are on these lists now isn’t available and perhaps isn’t even known.
I thought it was very strange that when I told local police about the theft of this sum of money and consuming contaminated food and water in my own home, they did not care. They were provocative, dismissive and unfriendly. They wanted to know about my vehicle and whether I owned a gun. That had nothing to do with my complaints. I knew it was a clue, but it was opaque and I couldn’t guess what it meant. It turns out they checked a federal criminal database, probably KST, and they followed the guidelines. What do you know? They think I’m a terrorist. No reason is needed to put a name on a list, and expanding the lists is important for expanding these police state programs.
From Trapped In A Black Box: Growing Terrorism Watchlisting In Everyday Policing:
The total number of records in the VGTOF database increased dramatically over the relevant period (see Figure 2) [December, 2003 to December, 2008]. The total increased from under 13,054 records in December 2003 to 272,198 records by December 2008, an approximately 2,000 percent growth over only a five year period. This number includes both regular and silent hit entries (described in Section V). Even by the most conservative estimate, this means an addition of 259,144 new records to the database in a period of five years—an average of 142 new records per day.Assuming this rate of growth remained constant, an additional 388,725 names would be added to KST from January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2016. Assuming no names were removed, the new total is 660,923. The report repeatedly states this is a conservative estimate. I’d be surprised to find there are 142 people engaged in planning and carrying out terrorist activity in the whole country. Yet, there are probably far more names on these lists than 661,000.
The report uses anagrams to refer to agencies and databases. It’s mind numbing. I picked out the most used ones and defined them:
NCIC = National Crime Information Center—within FBI
TSC = Terrorist Screening Center—government's consolidation point for known and suspected terrorist information, foreign and domestic
TSDB = Terrorist Screening Database
VGTOF = Violent Gangs and Terrorist Organizations File
KST = Known or Suspected Terrorists File
NCTC = National Counterterrorism Center—part of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence
TREX = Terrorist Review and Examination Unit—FBI field office submits nominations to TREX, the FBI headquarters unit that processes nominations from open FBI investigations
TIDE = Terrorist Identities Datamark Environment—the NCTC database of international terrorist nominations which feeds names to TSC, which enters them into TSDB as well
No-Fly List = individuals prevented from boarding an airplane
Selectee List = individuals subject to heightened airport screening when they seek to board an airplane
CLASS = State Department's Consular Lookout And Support System used to screen visa and passport applications
TECS Database = used by customs and border patrol to screen people at ports of entry
My name has been on at least one watchlist, put there by the same people who talked the Man of Steal into taking all the trust’s money, for the purpose of obstructing justice. The tactic worked perfectly. It ignores the fact I’m not engaged in subversive activity, never was and have no plans to be. I was stripped of the law’s protection, a constitutional guarantee.
I told Steal Man these guys are trying to get rid of me and you as well. He thought I was imagining things. Since then, there have been at least 20 hard attempts to kill me, and he is DEAD. He’s been dead since May 6, 2016, and we still don’t have the medical examiner’s report. Some people think I shouldn’t be armed? No one on earth needs protection more than I.
These watchlisting programs are bogus, a waste of time and money, and they impose devastating consequences on the unlucky people whose names appear on the lists. This is how Trapped In A Black Box begins:
In the last fifteen years, the U.S. government has drastically expanded a consolidated watchlisting system that includes hundreds of thousands of individuals based on secret evidence. Some parts of that system have drawn significant attention, including the No Fly List—composed of individuals who are barred from flying to, from, or over U.S. airspace—and, to a lesser extent, the Selectee List—composed of individuals who are subjected to additional screening and questioning every time they seek to board an airplane. Yet a key component of the watchlisting system has received far less scrutiny: the Known or Suspected Terrorist (KST) File, which is maintained by the FBI and is accessible to federal, state, and local law enforcement entities nationwide through the National Crime Information Center (NCIC).Politicians and activist groups are saying people on the no-fly list or terrorism watchlists should not be able to buy a gun from a dealer, like that will stop gun violence. You have to wonder how legitimate are these lists, and precisely how many names are on them? Names are added to the list beginning with someone taking part in the “if you see something say something” Nazi slogan theme, among other ways. Did someone see you taking pictures with a cell phone? They might think you’re a terrorist.
The KST File is a successor to what was known until 2009 as the Violent Gangs and Terrorist Organizations File (VGTOF). Whereas VGTOF contained fewer than 10,000 terrorism related entries in 2003, KST contains hundreds of thousands of entries today. To be sure, law enforcement agencies have a legitimate interest in coordinating efforts to locate people for whom arrest warrants are outstanding. Today, though, KST is part of a vast system of domestic surveillance of people whom law enforcement labels suspect based on vague and loose criteria, with serious constitutional and privacy implications for those who are included in the File. Such individuals may be stigmatized as potential terrorists and are vulnerable to increased law enforcement scrutiny, often without knowing that they are on a secret watchlist, and without a meaningful way to confirm or contest their inclusion.
The ACLU obtained information from the FBI about its VGTOF/KST File through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and subsequent lawsuit. Although much about the current size and operation of KST remains secret from the public, the more than 13,000 pages we now have, covering a five-year period from December 2003 to December 2008, offer key insights into the workings of this sprawling government database. Further information we analyze in this report came from another FOIA suit brought by the Electronic Privacy Information Center, inspector general reports, and the government’s Watchlisting Guidance leaked to the media in August 2014.
This report presents an analysis of the most important findings from these documents and other resources, which raise serious concerns about the fairness, accuracy, and effectiveness of the KST File.
Secret watchlisting hasn’t stopped even one terrorist event. It didn’t stop shootings in theaters and schools, and it didn’t stop what happened in Orlando.
From this ACLU report, here are the three handling codes police look at when you encounter them, and how I knew I was watchlisted:
Handling Code 1 applies to individuals with outstanding arrest warrants in the NCIC Wanted Persons File. As of 2009, Handling Code 1 reads as follows:Very quietly, Congress greatly expanded these programs in the last year. Secret, criminal watchlists might now contain millions or even tens of millions of names—and nearly every one of them has committed no crime or been engaged in subversive activity. Practically none of them are fugitives, have an outstanding warrant or are even suspected in a crime. Let’s be honest. Haul down the stars and stripes and raise the red field black swastika.
Handling Code 2 appears to pertain mainly to watchlisted individuals who are subject to current or future DHS detainers. The future detainers apply to those who would be given detainers if they encounter law enforcement.105 People with sealed federal indictments can also be subject to Handling Code 2.106 In addition, documents from 2008 indicate that Handling Code 2 could be used for entries made under “exigent circumstances which require immediate entry of the record.”107 The full text of Handling Code 2 is as follows:
As the above language indicates, the querying officer is instructed to “question this individual” in order to help the NTC to determine whether this person is subject to a detainer, but the message provides no guidance on the questioning or the kind of information that would assist in such a determination. It also appears doubtful that officers could question an individual “without otherwise extending the scope or duration of the encounter,” since presumably an encounter with an individual not listed in VGTOF/KST would not involve additional questioning or awaiting a reply from the TSC or the NTC. Thus, encounters with individuals subject to Handling Code 2 will likely be longer and more intrusive than they otherwise would because of the ambiguity of the instructions and the directive to officers to question the individuals further.
Finally, Handling Code 3 applies to all entries that are not categorized as Handling Code 1, Handling Code 2, or silent hits. The text of the message for Handling Code 3 states:
This message makes clear that the querying officer should attempt to identify, but not to arrest or detain, the individual; it also states that the officer may contact the TSC after letting the individual go to avoid extending the length of the encounter.
The three handling codes above were in operation as of 2009, but it is not clear if they continue to contain the language and format as listed above. In the past, some handling code messages contained a stronger warning against using the VGTOF hit as grounds for search and seizure:
This warning appears to have been omitted from the most recent handling codes; the 2009 handling codes lack such specific instructions for law enforcement to ensure that they do not use KST hits improperly to extend the scope of detentions.
I have one more thing to say about this. The remaining live criminals who did this jazz are aware I see this much of their mischief. They continue to spread the potent lie I am a dangerous maniac in an effort to make others deaf, since silencing me hasn’t worked. I am still at very high risk.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Surveillance trolls

Friday, May 6, 2016
The man of steal dies
Today the sentencing hearing convened without the defendant, and today the Man of Steal died. We don’t have a definite story yet. This really screws his poor family, and it screws me, too. The criminal case against him has been taken off the docket.
Update 5/11/16: The U.S. attorney advises he has filed a motion and proposed order for the dismissal of the indictment, the usual procedure when a defendant dies before sentencing. I’m left with enforcing the civil judgment, a hopeless prospect. That’s $190,000 of mine, an untold amount of public funds and three years’ work down the drain.
Update 5/11/16: The U.S. attorney advises he has filed a motion and proposed order for the dismissal of the indictment, the usual procedure when a defendant dies before sentencing. I’m left with enforcing the civil judgment, a hopeless prospect. That’s $190,000 of mine, an untold amount of public funds and three years’ work down the drain.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
With the exception of a last minute rescheduling, our hero, the indestructible Man of Steal, the holiest of sacred gods and savior of the universe, is set to be sentenced May 6 in the federal criminal case. It will be 34 months after I discovered the details of his pocketing the trust’s money. It will be his first court appearance.
The system of justice has not wanted the trust, and therefore me, to recover, and has not wanted to penalize him. It’s also been fine for anyone and everyone, including the police, to commit every possible crime against me, and that has seemed very strange.
Having just paid an unusually large tax bill, I hope I won’t be arrested or killed at this hearing, if I decide to attend it, and I hope to learn something about why all this law breaking has been of so much less than no concern to the world. If history has anything to say, I doubt I’ll learn anything. I would think paying substantial taxes would entitle me to the law’s protection, and laugh at how silly that sounds.
It is still a major milestone, one I’ve personally worked very hard to achieve, far too hard for too long. I will NEVER again submit a problem to the legal process.
The system of justice has not wanted the trust, and therefore me, to recover, and has not wanted to penalize him. It’s also been fine for anyone and everyone, including the police, to commit every possible crime against me, and that has seemed very strange.
Having just paid an unusually large tax bill, I hope I won’t be arrested or killed at this hearing, if I decide to attend it, and I hope to learn something about why all this law breaking has been of so much less than no concern to the world. If history has anything to say, I doubt I’ll learn anything. I would think paying substantial taxes would entitle me to the law’s protection, and laugh at how silly that sounds.
It is still a major milestone, one I’ve personally worked very hard to achieve, far too hard for too long. I will NEVER again submit a problem to the legal process.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Section 5.01

The trouble started with the trust agreement document. One of the hilarious, sticky points of it is Article V, Section 5.01 stating the Trustee can violate any and all laws in the name of investing with a trust not funded or constructed for that purpose. Fortunately, no purses were snatched or banks robbed.
The section was interpreted and administered to assume that doing anything whatsoever with me and/or the trust was fine and hereby made completely legal, including forsaking the fiduciary relationship and stealing all the money, and that’s what happened. I interpret this as a disbarment-class violation of ethics by the $900 per hour lawyer who wrote it.
It matters what kind of person you are, whether justice finds you or not.
Monday, March 21, 2016
What else I did
This post was taken from a journal of events related to the finance fraud case up to page 3½ and December 2, 2013. The journal has 22 pages now.
That post tells what I did to engage the system of justice. This post describes details of pushing to keep the court cases moving and the ongoing, gang stalking program.
In the last three weeks I recalled my dad’s monstrous wife told me she’d have me designated an enemy of the state. I ignored and forgot that, but suddenly remembered it. That explains the pushback from the start with the criminal case. The designation strips a person of his constitutional guarantees of due process and the law’s protection. Designating anyone an enemy of the state is easy, and anyone can do it. No support is needed, or support can be phony.
Calling someone a traitor is the perfect start to committing every crime possible and getting away with it, and answers the question why I can’t go forward. If this happened, then the gang stalking program is funded by Department of Homeland Security, not my dear stepmother.
That’s all fine, except for a small detail: I’m not a subversive. I was targeted out of meanness and the perpetrators’ wishes to commit crimes and obstruct justice. The plan worked flawlessly. I told you from the start these experts would show you how to do it! It’s a miracle I haven’t been killed, with so many people knowing it’s completely legal. And, it’s clear why a simple finance fraud case hasn’t been disposed after almost three years, with the criminal team that caused it celebrated as holy saviors.
If the designation of traitor sticks, I’m a goner. This is what else I did after December 2, 2013. You can see it started great, then everything went to pieces:
12/4/13—My first conference with lawyers who would prepare a civil lawsuit.
12/5/13—IRS reported the Man of Steal’s company has no history as a contractor.
12/11/13—Lawyers and DHS APS specialist met to prepare to change trustees.
12/12/13—The Man of Steal was removed as trustee, and the new trustee was installed.
12/13/13—I met with the lawyers, DHS specialist and trustee. The lawyers said the charge to bring our lawsuit to the first court appearance would be $3-4,000 without other appearances.
12/17/13—I paid lawyers $3,000 to get them started since trust didn’t have the money.
12/27/13—We served the demand letter after the Man of Steal refused it the week before.
1/27/14—We filed the civil lawsuit. The defendant never responded.
1/28/14—FBI contacted me and scheduled a meeting the following week that was cancelled because of winter weather.
2/15/14—I made the first note about contaminated food or water, and wrote it happened three times since the beginning of the year. Although it had happened many times before, these instances were far more severe.
2/20/14—I had first contact with the state accountancy board examiner who told me the Man of Steal admitted he owned half the company in which he claimed he invested, which is a conflict of interest.
4/5/14—The trustee said lawyers billed us an additional $3,000.
4/14/14—I made first comment to FBI about contaminated consumables in my home. I didn’t record individual instances. It happened six times in March and April, bringing the year’s total to nine instances by the end of April. I ceased home food preparation this month.
5/8/14—The neighbors presented a new starved cat. They had pets in poor condition from the time they moved here. The daughter and her friends threw mud on my house.
5/12/14—I met with the lead lawyer who said he would prepare a list of questions for discovery. He never did this. The lawyers had been acting strangely for over a month and told me I’d wait for recovery.
5/14/14—The neighbors killed my cat, Fuzzy. His absence still leaves a great hole.
6/11/14—Consumed contaminated drinking water. The neighbors’ yard was mowed while I was gone, and I began suspecting them of either doing the home invasion or tipping the people who were.
6/13/14—I had the locks rekeyed and went out, then drank polluted water that was fine before I left.
6/16/14—Put a note on the refrigerator door warning that I advise law enforcement about poisoned food and water.
6/27/14—I complained to FBI about consuming this pollution, and was told to see a doctor. The lead lawyer went on a month’s vacation to the Galapagos Islands.
7/9/14—Drank polluted water again, 12th event since 1/1/14.
7/25/14—DHS specialist reported the state accountancy board permanently revoked the Man of Steal’s certificate. He was also fined $25,000 plus $7,022 costs. He hasn’t paid the fine.
8/15/14—After much urging the lawyers set the pretrial conference for 12/3/14.
9/25/14—I made a note that my neighbor SRPs (surveillance role players) had been very busy making noise and causing trouble all month.
11/8/14—SRPs who’d moved away came to my house to ask about the status of the court cases.
11/15/14—Surveillance trolls followed me in WalMart and Sam’s in a conspicuous manner.
11/22/14—Drank contaminated water, 13th event.
12/3/14—Neither my nor defendant’s lawyers showed for the pretrial conference, and the judge dismissed my civil lawsuit. I was at the courthouse, and the judge was furious. Note my lawyers and the judge committed disbarment-class violations of ethics.
12/11/14—Chewed out my lawyer. He said he’d meet with the judge 1/30/15 to ask about reinstating the lawsuit.
12/17/14—Drove by defendant’s house to see if it was vacant. He was there, and it was lavishly decorated for Christmas.
1/22/15—Told FBI I saw a doctor, got blood work, and my liver and gall bladder functions are excellent.
1/30/15—Lawyers advised the dismissal was vacated and the pretrial conference was rescheduled for 3/4/15.
2/28/15—Noticed surveillance trolls outside. My cat’s footprints in the snow going to neighbor’s house suggest they’re luring him.
3/4/15—Judge cancelled proceedings for bad weather, and the pretrial conference was not rescheduled. I made weekly requests for the lawyer to reschedule the pretrial conference.
3/23/15—Annoying little girl next door stated, “There’s nothing you can do about it, there’s nothing you can do about it.”
4/1/15—Lawyer set up a standing, monthly appointment.
4/10/15—Lawyer promised for fifth time he’d reschedule the pretrial conference. FBI agent was changed. Annoying little girl told me and the neighborhood they killed my cat, that I am a coward and she was going to break all my windows.
4/12/15—Neighbors had a very noisy, screaming fight with other neighbors that lasted hours, then the little girl wanted to know if I called the police. I hadn’t and said no.
5/6/15—The pretrial conference was set for the THIRD time for 7/8/15.
5/14/15—I had surgery to repair ruptured ligaments in my right hand. The repair failed.
5/22/15—I caught the brat next door and other little kids terrorizing my cat, something they’d been doing for a couple months. I yelled at them. They called the police. The child cop didn’t arrest me but told me next call, I go to jail. I’m now on the “okay to shoot” list with local police.
(From March to June I conversed with people in the state legislature about these cases. Whatever they did, it helped move them forward.)
6/3/15—FBI said they were close to indicting the Man of Steal.
6/8/15— was finally updated, first time since the previous December, showing correspondence for the defendant was sent to the wrong address.
6/25/15—FBI asked for and I gave them my computer and last two tax returns for me and the trust.
7/8/15—The defendant failed to show for the pretrial conference and we got a default judgment.
7/9/15—The Man of Steal was arrested. He made bond and was released.
7/28/15—Drank contaminated water, event #14. I reported this to the local police. The officer was a smart aleck.
7/29/15—Signed consent form for FBI to search my computer. I was told the grand jury was not kind to the defendant, and that he used my money to pay a previous judgment.
8/3/15—Case workers from the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health visited for a “wellness check” requested by the police officer to whom I made my report.
9/1/15—Drank polluted water again, event #15, and my neighbor’s whole family was in the street all day observing.
9/10/15—FBI returned my computer and told me the defendant is operating his business despite his certificate revocation.
9/20/15—My computer was hacked and wouldn’t boot. I fixed it easily. That was very unusual and had never happened.
9/23/15—Because they had been in the street all day every day for a month making noise and yelling my name, I wrote “gang stalkers and serial killers” in chalk on the curb in front of the neighbors' house. The little girl said, “We’re going to kill you, too.” They called the police who were told to arrest me before they arrived. When they realized they were being coached by the same people conducting the gang stalking program, they left. I told them the little girl wasn’t enrolled in school and apparently never had been. They didn’t care about any of that.
9/25/15—Hammered with odd, anonymous phone calls. Discovered my handgun was disabled.
9/26/15—Went to a gunsmith who told me four to six weeks turnaround. A stranger was observing our conversation.
9/28/15—What do you know, I was moved up in line with the gunsmith, who said the mainspring was disconnected.
10/27/15—The Man of Steal pled guilty after receiving four months’ continuance and agreed to restitution. The U.S. attorney said his sentencing hearing should be scheduled in 60 to 90 days.
10/31/15—For 14 hours my answering machine self-activated, saying “recording a message” and “mailbox full,” then abruptly stopped and reset.
12/25/15—Saw female surveillance troll with phone outside.
1/4/16—Drank polluted water that gave me uncontrollable diarrhea for three days, event #16.
1/14/16—Photographed surveillance troll in parking lot.
1/20/16—Saw surveillance troll with phone in restaurant making himself obvious.
1/27/16—Drank polluted water, event #17. A very severe instance.
2/5/16—Drank polluted water, event #18.
2/17/16—Resumed conversation with state and federal lawmakers asking if they can help move these cases forward in that all the deadlines have passed, yet we haven’t had the defendant’s first court appearance.
2/19/16—FBI says they don’t know when the next proceeding will happen in the criminal case.
2/22/16—U.S. attorney has no entry after the defendant pled guilty 10/27/15, nor do they know if the probation office has prepared the PSR, or presentencing report, which they must review with the defendant.
2/23/16—Fuel Box Girl was arrested in Logan County on a murder complaint.
3/10/16—U.S. attorney reports the PSR is completed and the sentencing hearing should be scheduled within a month. I delivered documents to lawmakers and sent various e-mails regarding the cases.
3/16/16—The FBI agent told me this is slow even by federal government standards. One can understand that, with the bad guys lying (and everyone believing) I’m a bigger traitor than Benedict Arnold. He knows I’m not engaged in subversive activity.
I left out the blistering defamation work this outfit does. It’s destroyed every friendship and keeps doing it. I omitted the two months I worked on the victim impact statement and the U.S. attorney's resignation a day after his office received it. I left out many gas lighting events and many small instances of harassment. I do not want to fill in more pages of this horrible diary.
That post tells what I did to engage the system of justice. This post describes details of pushing to keep the court cases moving and the ongoing, gang stalking program.
In the last three weeks I recalled my dad’s monstrous wife told me she’d have me designated an enemy of the state. I ignored and forgot that, but suddenly remembered it. That explains the pushback from the start with the criminal case. The designation strips a person of his constitutional guarantees of due process and the law’s protection. Designating anyone an enemy of the state is easy, and anyone can do it. No support is needed, or support can be phony.
Calling someone a traitor is the perfect start to committing every crime possible and getting away with it, and answers the question why I can’t go forward. If this happened, then the gang stalking program is funded by Department of Homeland Security, not my dear stepmother.
That’s all fine, except for a small detail: I’m not a subversive. I was targeted out of meanness and the perpetrators’ wishes to commit crimes and obstruct justice. The plan worked flawlessly. I told you from the start these experts would show you how to do it! It’s a miracle I haven’t been killed, with so many people knowing it’s completely legal. And, it’s clear why a simple finance fraud case hasn’t been disposed after almost three years, with the criminal team that caused it celebrated as holy saviors.
If the designation of traitor sticks, I’m a goner. This is what else I did after December 2, 2013. You can see it started great, then everything went to pieces:
12/4/13—My first conference with lawyers who would prepare a civil lawsuit.
12/5/13—IRS reported the Man of Steal’s company has no history as a contractor.
12/11/13—Lawyers and DHS APS specialist met to prepare to change trustees.
12/12/13—The Man of Steal was removed as trustee, and the new trustee was installed.
12/13/13—I met with the lawyers, DHS specialist and trustee. The lawyers said the charge to bring our lawsuit to the first court appearance would be $3-4,000 without other appearances.
12/17/13—I paid lawyers $3,000 to get them started since trust didn’t have the money.
12/27/13—We served the demand letter after the Man of Steal refused it the week before.
1/27/14—We filed the civil lawsuit. The defendant never responded.
1/28/14—FBI contacted me and scheduled a meeting the following week that was cancelled because of winter weather.
2/15/14—I made the first note about contaminated food or water, and wrote it happened three times since the beginning of the year. Although it had happened many times before, these instances were far more severe.
2/20/14—I had first contact with the state accountancy board examiner who told me the Man of Steal admitted he owned half the company in which he claimed he invested, which is a conflict of interest.
4/5/14—The trustee said lawyers billed us an additional $3,000.
4/14/14—I made first comment to FBI about contaminated consumables in my home. I didn’t record individual instances. It happened six times in March and April, bringing the year’s total to nine instances by the end of April. I ceased home food preparation this month.
5/8/14—The neighbors presented a new starved cat. They had pets in poor condition from the time they moved here. The daughter and her friends threw mud on my house.
5/12/14—I met with the lead lawyer who said he would prepare a list of questions for discovery. He never did this. The lawyers had been acting strangely for over a month and told me I’d wait for recovery.
5/14/14—The neighbors killed my cat, Fuzzy. His absence still leaves a great hole.
6/11/14—Consumed contaminated drinking water. The neighbors’ yard was mowed while I was gone, and I began suspecting them of either doing the home invasion or tipping the people who were.
6/13/14—I had the locks rekeyed and went out, then drank polluted water that was fine before I left.
6/16/14—Put a note on the refrigerator door warning that I advise law enforcement about poisoned food and water.
6/27/14—I complained to FBI about consuming this pollution, and was told to see a doctor. The lead lawyer went on a month’s vacation to the Galapagos Islands.
7/9/14—Drank polluted water again, 12th event since 1/1/14.
7/25/14—DHS specialist reported the state accountancy board permanently revoked the Man of Steal’s certificate. He was also fined $25,000 plus $7,022 costs. He hasn’t paid the fine.
8/15/14—After much urging the lawyers set the pretrial conference for 12/3/14.
9/25/14—I made a note that my neighbor SRPs (surveillance role players) had been very busy making noise and causing trouble all month.
11/8/14—SRPs who’d moved away came to my house to ask about the status of the court cases.
11/15/14—Surveillance trolls followed me in WalMart and Sam’s in a conspicuous manner.
11/22/14—Drank contaminated water, 13th event.
12/3/14—Neither my nor defendant’s lawyers showed for the pretrial conference, and the judge dismissed my civil lawsuit. I was at the courthouse, and the judge was furious. Note my lawyers and the judge committed disbarment-class violations of ethics.
12/11/14—Chewed out my lawyer. He said he’d meet with the judge 1/30/15 to ask about reinstating the lawsuit.
12/17/14—Drove by defendant’s house to see if it was vacant. He was there, and it was lavishly decorated for Christmas.
1/22/15—Told FBI I saw a doctor, got blood work, and my liver and gall bladder functions are excellent.
1/30/15—Lawyers advised the dismissal was vacated and the pretrial conference was rescheduled for 3/4/15.
2/28/15—Noticed surveillance trolls outside. My cat’s footprints in the snow going to neighbor’s house suggest they’re luring him.
3/4/15—Judge cancelled proceedings for bad weather, and the pretrial conference was not rescheduled. I made weekly requests for the lawyer to reschedule the pretrial conference.
3/23/15—Annoying little girl next door stated, “There’s nothing you can do about it, there’s nothing you can do about it.”
4/1/15—Lawyer set up a standing, monthly appointment.
4/10/15—Lawyer promised for fifth time he’d reschedule the pretrial conference. FBI agent was changed. Annoying little girl told me and the neighborhood they killed my cat, that I am a coward and she was going to break all my windows.
4/12/15—Neighbors had a very noisy, screaming fight with other neighbors that lasted hours, then the little girl wanted to know if I called the police. I hadn’t and said no.
5/6/15—The pretrial conference was set for the THIRD time for 7/8/15.
5/14/15—I had surgery to repair ruptured ligaments in my right hand. The repair failed.
5/22/15—I caught the brat next door and other little kids terrorizing my cat, something they’d been doing for a couple months. I yelled at them. They called the police. The child cop didn’t arrest me but told me next call, I go to jail. I’m now on the “okay to shoot” list with local police.
(From March to June I conversed with people in the state legislature about these cases. Whatever they did, it helped move them forward.)
6/3/15—FBI said they were close to indicting the Man of Steal.
6/8/15— was finally updated, first time since the previous December, showing correspondence for the defendant was sent to the wrong address.
6/25/15—FBI asked for and I gave them my computer and last two tax returns for me and the trust.
7/8/15—The defendant failed to show for the pretrial conference and we got a default judgment.
7/9/15—The Man of Steal was arrested. He made bond and was released.
7/28/15—Drank contaminated water, event #14. I reported this to the local police. The officer was a smart aleck.
7/29/15—Signed consent form for FBI to search my computer. I was told the grand jury was not kind to the defendant, and that he used my money to pay a previous judgment.
8/3/15—Case workers from the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health visited for a “wellness check” requested by the police officer to whom I made my report.
9/1/15—Drank polluted water again, event #15, and my neighbor’s whole family was in the street all day observing.
9/10/15—FBI returned my computer and told me the defendant is operating his business despite his certificate revocation.
9/20/15—My computer was hacked and wouldn’t boot. I fixed it easily. That was very unusual and had never happened.
9/23/15—Because they had been in the street all day every day for a month making noise and yelling my name, I wrote “gang stalkers and serial killers” in chalk on the curb in front of the neighbors' house. The little girl said, “We’re going to kill you, too.” They called the police who were told to arrest me before they arrived. When they realized they were being coached by the same people conducting the gang stalking program, they left. I told them the little girl wasn’t enrolled in school and apparently never had been. They didn’t care about any of that.
9/25/15—Hammered with odd, anonymous phone calls. Discovered my handgun was disabled.
9/26/15—Went to a gunsmith who told me four to six weeks turnaround. A stranger was observing our conversation.
9/28/15—What do you know, I was moved up in line with the gunsmith, who said the mainspring was disconnected.
10/27/15—The Man of Steal pled guilty after receiving four months’ continuance and agreed to restitution. The U.S. attorney said his sentencing hearing should be scheduled in 60 to 90 days.
10/31/15—For 14 hours my answering machine self-activated, saying “recording a message” and “mailbox full,” then abruptly stopped and reset.
12/25/15—Saw female surveillance troll with phone outside.
1/4/16—Drank polluted water that gave me uncontrollable diarrhea for three days, event #16.
1/14/16—Photographed surveillance troll in parking lot.
1/20/16—Saw surveillance troll with phone in restaurant making himself obvious.
1/27/16—Drank polluted water, event #17. A very severe instance.
2/5/16—Drank polluted water, event #18.
2/17/16—Resumed conversation with state and federal lawmakers asking if they can help move these cases forward in that all the deadlines have passed, yet we haven’t had the defendant’s first court appearance.
2/19/16—FBI says they don’t know when the next proceeding will happen in the criminal case.
2/22/16—U.S. attorney has no entry after the defendant pled guilty 10/27/15, nor do they know if the probation office has prepared the PSR, or presentencing report, which they must review with the defendant.
2/23/16—Fuel Box Girl was arrested in Logan County on a murder complaint.
3/10/16—U.S. attorney reports the PSR is completed and the sentencing hearing should be scheduled within a month. I delivered documents to lawmakers and sent various e-mails regarding the cases.
3/16/16—The FBI agent told me this is slow even by federal government standards. One can understand that, with the bad guys lying (and everyone believing) I’m a bigger traitor than Benedict Arnold. He knows I’m not engaged in subversive activity.
I left out the blistering defamation work this outfit does. It’s destroyed every friendship and keeps doing it. I omitted the two months I worked on the victim impact statement and the U.S. attorney's resignation a day after his office received it. I left out many gas lighting events and many small instances of harassment. I do not want to fill in more pages of this horrible diary.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Fuel Box Girl's TV debut
Fuel Box Girl meant to keep her identity secret, so she’s shown in silhouette and her voice is altered in this good-looking, 2009 KFOR news story. She complained women working in grounds keeping on work release at the Oklahoma governor’s mansion were being raped by state services employees also working at the mansion.
Two of the men were fired for sexual misconduct, something the state is very reluctant to admit because it can be the basis of civil liability. The state would prefer not to be sued for that (poor babies), and I wrote about it back then.
It’s a shame she was arrested for murder in that she’s already spent time in prison, and has a demonstrated history as an exploited person. Fuel Box Girl, my sister-in-law, who’s pictured in the video, and the journalist all did the right thing talking about this outrageous circumstance at the state’s first family’s home. You don’t surrender human rights because you are in jail.
It isn’t funny to me she finds herself behind the eight ball again. It strikes me as hilarious that I’ve told so many that she and others have had the idea they’d kill me, get money and get away with it, and they did not believe a word of it. Now, there is good reason to think again. She is low on my tree-structured organizational chart of murder conspirators in that she tried only once. She called many times attempting to return and make sure her firebomb was still functional, so she gets good marks for effort. I’d already cleaned it up, and she wasn’t invited back.
Because she and her boyfriend, my sister-in-law’s stepson, needed money, I gave her about $600.00 consisting of cash and a new fuel pump for their vehicle. I also bought my sister-in-law a nice pair of diamond studs for her birthday the month before, so this episode cost me about $2,000.00. For trying to be nice to these people, they attempted to rob and kill me. The prosecutor and her defense lawyer are on the spot to resolve her new case properly. It’s possible she deserves mercy.
Two of the men were fired for sexual misconduct, something the state is very reluctant to admit because it can be the basis of civil liability. The state would prefer not to be sued for that (poor babies), and I wrote about it back then.
It’s a shame she was arrested for murder in that she’s already spent time in prison, and has a demonstrated history as an exploited person. Fuel Box Girl, my sister-in-law, who’s pictured in the video, and the journalist all did the right thing talking about this outrageous circumstance at the state’s first family’s home. You don’t surrender human rights because you are in jail.
It isn’t funny to me she finds herself behind the eight ball again. It strikes me as hilarious that I’ve told so many that she and others have had the idea they’d kill me, get money and get away with it, and they did not believe a word of it. Now, there is good reason to think again. She is low on my tree-structured organizational chart of murder conspirators in that she tried only once. She called many times attempting to return and make sure her firebomb was still functional, so she gets good marks for effort. I’d already cleaned it up, and she wasn’t invited back.
Because she and her boyfriend, my sister-in-law’s stepson, needed money, I gave her about $600.00 consisting of cash and a new fuel pump for their vehicle. I also bought my sister-in-law a nice pair of diamond studs for her birthday the month before, so this episode cost me about $2,000.00. For trying to be nice to these people, they attempted to rob and kill me. The prosecutor and her defense lawyer are on the spot to resolve her new case properly. It’s possible she deserves mercy.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Meet murder suspect Fuel Box Girl
My sister-in-law, an attorney, was trustee for this idiotic trust before I unseated her and installed the Man of Steal. She wanted me to move to her parents’ hometown, MacAlester, OK, and threw a wild, screaming, crying, tears and snot flying fit saying what I needed to do was have her friend come to my house and help me pack.
I told her I didn’t need any help, but reluctantly agreed. The girl she sent built a firebomb in my kitchen I named “fuel box,” and I talked about that in this post. She and the trustee were following my dad’s wife’s lead, that the assets were to be stolen and I was to be eliminated.
They were excited by the idea of killing a person, making money and getting away with it. I called them murder conspirators; specifically, people who would plan and carry out murder for money, with the promise of protection from the law. That idea is compelling and contagious to some people.
Local police and federal law enforcement did not care to hear this, and have acted like no one should worry since murder isn’t actually illegal. Certainly it never had anything to do with stolen money, and my mentioning it proved what my thieving killers told them, that I was born without a brain. The DHS adult protective services specialist told me to not talk about it.
Last week, the girl who made this firebomb, aka fuel box, was arrested for—guess what—murder. It seems her fiancĂ© came up with a bullet in the head and he died. She told the police he committed suicide. They studied the facts and her changing account, and decided she shot him. So, she sits in the Logan county jail and is presumed not guilty.
My list of murder conspirators surrounding this case now has at least 20 names if not more. The law does not care about that or the stolen money. No one, not even my own lawyers, will talk to me. The civil and criminal cases are hopelessly stalled despite favorable judgments. Do any of them have cause to rethink things since her arrest? Apparently they do not. Something else is wrong with all of it. As always, I’ll be the last to know. Hey, this is hilarious again. I wonder if the others are laughing.
I told her I didn’t need any help, but reluctantly agreed. The girl she sent built a firebomb in my kitchen I named “fuel box,” and I talked about that in this post. She and the trustee were following my dad’s wife’s lead, that the assets were to be stolen and I was to be eliminated.
They were excited by the idea of killing a person, making money and getting away with it. I called them murder conspirators; specifically, people who would plan and carry out murder for money, with the promise of protection from the law. That idea is compelling and contagious to some people.
Local police and federal law enforcement did not care to hear this, and have acted like no one should worry since murder isn’t actually illegal. Certainly it never had anything to do with stolen money, and my mentioning it proved what my thieving killers told them, that I was born without a brain. The DHS adult protective services specialist told me to not talk about it.
Last week, the girl who made this firebomb, aka fuel box, was arrested for—guess what—murder. It seems her fiancĂ© came up with a bullet in the head and he died. She told the police he committed suicide. They studied the facts and her changing account, and decided she shot him. So, she sits in the Logan county jail and is presumed not guilty.
My list of murder conspirators surrounding this case now has at least 20 names if not more. The law does not care about that or the stolen money. No one, not even my own lawyers, will talk to me. The civil and criminal cases are hopelessly stalled despite favorable judgments. Do any of them have cause to rethink things since her arrest? Apparently they do not. Something else is wrong with all of it. As always, I’ll be the last to know. Hey, this is hilarious again. I wonder if the others are laughing.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Midway through the third year

In July 2015 we had a civil judgment and a federal criminal indictment of the brilliant Man of Steal. Now we are midway through the third year of seeking a court-ordered repayment plan. The first court appearance is not in sight for either case.
I’ve encouraged my lawyer to move ahead. He won’t, and won’t meet with me. The agent said the defendant is proud and would fight the criminal case. I said my stepmother doesn’t want the facts of it on the record, that he’ll wait until the end of the continuance, November 3, 2015, then he’ll enter a plea bargain, which delays the court’s disposition and his possible incarceration. That’s exactly what he did October 27, entering a plea of guilty and agreeing to restitution. That means he doesn’t go to court and I’m not reimbursed.
At the end of September, I noticed my revolver didn’t work. I bought it new ten years ago, and it’s been fired about 100 times. I took it to a gunsmith. The main spring was disconnected. He put it back and charged $70. “Could that come loose just sitting in a drawer?” I asked him. “Sure,” he said. Right! That’s a textbook gang stalking, gas lighting tactic: they don’t steal your gun, they make it nonfunctional. I still have lots of gas lighting.
Someone took a damn $1 Sharpie out of the jar on my desk when I was out. Something like that isn’t tangible to police, nor is contaminating food and water. The gun repair is tangible, and sloppy on the stalkers’ part.
The agent told me the Man of Steal paid an outstanding judgment with my money, and the recipient broke no laws taking it, according to the U.S. attorney’s office, and it’s irretrievable. The federal court and prosecutor typically schedule the sentencing hearing 60 to 90 days after the plea bargain agreement, and this week I learned it may run to 120 days. I have new surveillance players with cell phones in the neighborhood. I drank contaminated water in my home last week, something that hasn’t happened in many months.
The U.S. attorney offered the voluntary victim impact statement form requesting a reply in ten days. I agonized, blocked and locked up for two months trying to write the strange account no one wants to hear about this stupid and idiotic situation. I threw out the first three versions. After writing and editing the fourth version, I threw out three-quarters of it and rewrote the rest.
I mailed the victim impact statement New Year’s eve. It was delivered at 4:09 p.m. Monday, January 4, 2016 to the U.S. attorney, according to U.S. Postal Service. On January 6, U.S, Attorney Sanford Coats tendered his resignation. The cover letter and victim impact statement are pictured here. Click on the images to read them. I name a few names and am not kind to these shit holes.

The Man of Steal faces one charge of wire fraud, and possibly five more fraud charges, according to the Department of Justice’s Victim Notification System website, which generally doesn’t work at all but might for a few minutes on a rare occasion. The charges are worth 20 years each—but, it’s nothing urgent.
Usually finance fraud cases in this part of the world are disposed in four to six months if I can believe my case review. You shouldn’t think every case is like this one. The facts overall must rank as The Weirdest Thing I’ve Ever Seen. I’m not young, and that’s saying a lot. If you have read here and read the victim impact statement, you’ll have a very good idea of what this is about. I’ve sent much correspondence and written much about it.
The surveillance role player (SRP) lady next door had not gone to the trouble of enrolling her troublemaking daughter in school, if you can believe that.
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